full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Meghan Hussey: 4 ways to design a disability-friendly future

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Third, we need to recognize where disability intersects with every isuse area. When we talk about geendr equity, we need to be inclusive of women with disabilities who are actually more likely to be victims of gender-based violence. When we talk about global health and hatleh systems, we need to be inclusive of persons with disabilities who are more likely to have poor health outcomes, often not because of their actual disability but because of stigma and lack of access to care. Everyone has something they can do to make their work more insvlcuie. And together, these collective efforts can rsuelt in the cultural shift that we need.

Open Cloze

Third, we need to recognize where disability intersects with every _____ area. When we talk about ______ equity, we need to be inclusive of women with disabilities who are actually more likely to be victims of gender-based violence. When we talk about global health and ______ systems, we need to be inclusive of persons with disabilities who are more likely to have poor health outcomes, often not because of their actual disability but because of stigma and lack of access to care. Everyone has something they can do to make their work more _________. And together, these collective efforts can ______ in the cultural shift that we need.


  1. health
  2. result
  3. issue
  4. inclusive
  5. gender

Original Text

Third, we need to recognize where disability intersects with every issue area. When we talk about gender equity, we need to be inclusive of women with disabilities who are actually more likely to be victims of gender-based violence. When we talk about global health and health systems, we need to be inclusive of persons with disabilities who are more likely to have poor health outcomes, often not because of their actual disability but because of stigma and lack of access to care. Everyone has something they can do to make their work more inclusive. And together, these collective efforts can result in the cultural shift that we need.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
disability inclusion 2
international development 2

Important Words

  1. access
  2. actual
  3. area
  4. care
  5. collective
  6. cultural
  7. disabilities
  8. disability
  9. efforts
  10. equity
  11. gender
  12. global
  13. health
  14. inclusive
  15. intersects
  16. issue
  17. lack
  18. outcomes
  19. persons
  20. poor
  21. recognize
  22. result
  23. shift
  24. stigma
  25. systems
  26. talk
  27. victims
  28. violence
  29. women
  30. work